October 22, 2010

22 weeks- or somewhere around there

I am now at 22 weeks (or somewhere around there)--I can't remember. My not remembering is a summary of how my pregnancy has been lately. I FORGET EVERYTHING!!! My belly is getting big and my coworkers told me today I am carrying really high. Lately it is neat to feel her when she is moving because my stomach will get really hard in one spot, but the spot is in a different place everyday....crazy! I finally MADE Brandon feel her and his response was "That's kinda weird." I guess she isn't Daddy's little girl yet because she is just an alien to him right now--his words, not mine! :-)

So, I have started shopping a  little bit at a time. So I thought I would share my finds. I was really excited to post the first thing I bought for her (it was a cute little onesie that said "I love my Daddy" but guess what...I can't remember where I put it! Ugh...this is driving me crazy!

Anyways...here are the rest of my finds, enjoy!

This cute little cup is for washing her hair, on the left side it is soft so it can be put against her head. Great garage sale find!!
Perfect little sign for her room--all the right colors and perfect saying! $3.99 at Ross.

You can never have too many onsies or socks I was told by Krista (coworker that has 4 kids so she is the expert!)

Cute picture frame I found at a garage sale. I need to print her sonogram picture to put it the frame. 

Halloween bib I found at a garage sale for $0.10!! She will be too cute for Halloween 2011. Hopefully I don't lose it before then.  :-)

My mom bought this little vest for her, it will be really cute with long sleeves, blue jeans and boots. She just needs a pony now!

Night all,
One tired Mommy

PS- My feet are swollen all the time now...not cool. Enough said.

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