March 25, 2014

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Brandon and I rented Dallas Buyers Club from redbox over the weekend.
I offered it to my mom (who shall remain nameless) to borrow, watch it and return it. She was simply amazed that she could return it to ANY redbox location. Those genius redboxes!

Well, she called me today on my cell phone at work. That never happens so my first thought is "Who died?" Luckily, nobody died. Here is how our conversation went down....

Mom-The DVD won't fit into the redbox.
Shannon-Do you have it turned the right way?
Mom-I've tried every way.
Mom- I'll see if someone here can help me.
Shannon-Okay, good idea.

We hang up and not even 60 seconds later I get this text message from her....

At least she has a sense of humor about it, right?
Darn Redboxes, they are just too hard to work!
Sidenote- I really enjoyed Dallas Buyers Club; the acting was phenomenal. This is the first movie that I didn't see Matthew McConaughey but I saw the character of the movie.
His acting ability went from Jennifer Anniston level to Angelina Jolie level.
Adios, Shannon

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