April 7, 2014

Saving the day or cR@zY?

My sisters, nephews and nieces and I had a slumber party at my parents' house on Saturday. Like all fun slumber parties; the talking commenced and next thing you know, we need a midnight snack. We all load up 6 of us in the SUV and drive to town for Jack In the Box at 12:30pm. As we are driving down a county road that doesn't get a lot of traffic if any during the midnight hours, I see a man walking/climbing out a ditch with a black bag and no flashlight. Seemed a little suspect to me so as a group we decide to turn around and go back for a second look.
Side note- he was clean shaven and healthy looking so not homeless in my mind.
Anyhoo, drive by #2....the bag is right next to the fence and he is no where in sight.
Hiding, maybe?
At this point, we are all clattering like a bunch of women clatter and screeching 50 BILLION directions to my 16 year old niece that is driving about where to drive to, turn around at, driver faster, drive slower. You get the picture. (She was a PRO driver and I will now trust her to drive my three year old around town.)
I start dialing 911 so the sheriff's office can come check it out. I would want a neighbor to do that for me if I lived at the house that he was hiding out near. I'm on the phone with the 911 operator as we initiate drive by #3.
He is now on the other side of the road with his black bag and a flash light that he shines in our faces while it is flashing. Not, like "don't run over me" kind of shine but the "I'm gonna' blind you" kind of shine. Also, he has traveled pretty far up the road in the short amount of time that it took us to turn around.
Along with 50 BILLION shouting directions to our 16 year old chauffeur, here are the 60 BILLION theories we had:
  • Nighttime worker (Without any spot lights?)
  • Wife kicked husband out (Kicks him out into the ditch without a car?)
  • Homeless man (Yes, a clean shaven, decently dressed homeless man in BFE)
  • Teenage boy sneaking to his girlfriend's house-(What teenage boy carries a bag?)
  • Robber (Where is his getaway car?)
  • Murderer (Perfect size bag for a toddler body) YUCK!
  • Rapist (Seems the most logical to me- bag had the duct tape, black mask, ect in it--I could see all that with my xray vision.)
Anyhoo, we go to town to get our Jack in the Box and Whataburger and come back to scene of the hypothetical crime. As we turn on the county road, we pass the sheriff's deputy and didn't see the scary man in plaid and green beany so we circle the block. Block in the country = 1-2 miles.
As we get back on the main road to make our way to another county road to see if that is where the getaway car is, we happen to fall in behind the sheriff's deputy. He turned left to look for the getaway car (I assume that is what he is looking for) so we turned right back on to the county road.
No scary man in sight.

I call the non-emergency line and they confirmed that they hadn't found him. Kinda silly but I am glad we drive on that road 5-10 times, hopefully we scared him off from committing whatever hypothetical crime is was about to commit.

I was scared, excited, my adrenaline was pumping and it was absolutely freakin' hilarious!!!
I ended up sleeping on the floor of my parents' room between my 3  year old daughter and my 11 year old scare nephew that followed me around the rest of the night. Scaredy cat but also all the beds were full anyways. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

We drove back the next day and we could tell where the bushes were pushed over---perfect for him to be hiding from us on drive by #2.

So, were we trying to save the day or are we just cR@zY?!?!


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